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Dover Youth Softball League serves players from ages 4 - 16 who are residents of New Hampshire in Dover, Somersworth, Rollinsford or Portsmouth and Maine residents from Berwick, So. Berwick, No. Berwick, and Eliot.  We also accept students of any schools within the listed communities (e.g., St. Mary Academy, Portsmouth Christian Academy, Berwick Academy, Tri-City Christian) regardless of where they reside. 

DYSL offers recreational, yet competitive, spring season softball which focuses on learning basic fundamentals of the game and the enjoyment of competitiveness.  In addition, players who desire greater competition are encouraged to compete for spots on our summer all-star teams which present higher challenges and more instruction in the finer points of girls softball.


The next meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for Monday, February 3rd @ 7:00 pm upstairs at Cara Irish Pub. Meeting will now be on a bi-weekly schedule.

All are welcome to attend. Anyone may address the board at a meeting as part of Citizen's Forum. Please get in touch with any board member for information how to be included at an upcoming meeting. 

Coaches Corner


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